[Math] The only algebraic integers in $\mathbb Q $ are the ordinary integers


I think I'm being a bit slow here.

Lemma: Every algebraic integer is the root of some monic irreducible polynomial with coefficients in $\mathbb Z$.

Corollary: The only algebraic integers in $\mathbb Q$ are the ordinary integers.

I'm struggling to see how this corollary follows from the lemma. Suppose $\alpha$ is an algebraic integer. Then there is a monic, irreducible $f$ with integer coefficients such that $f(\alpha) = 0$. Why can't $\alpha$ be a non-integer?


Best Answer

Say $f(X)=X^n+a_{n-1}X^{n-1}+\cdots+a_1X+a_0$ and $\alpha=p/q$ is a root in simplest form. Then


Reduce both sides modulo $q$ and invoke unique factorization (the fundamental theorem of arithmetic) to derive a contradiction (this is unless $q=1$, of course).

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