[Math] The number of zeros in a polynomial


Does anyone know of a relationship between the number of zeros (complex and real) and the degree of a polynomial? Specifically, if a polynomial has a double root, is it compensated with complex zeros?

Best Answer

The fundamental theorem of algebra states that an $n^{th}$ degree polynomial has exactly $n$ roots, provided you count them with their multiplicity.

This is equivalent to saying that any polynomial has a root.

Because if you divide a polynomial of the $n^{th}$ degree by the monomial $x-r$ (where $r$ is a root), you get an $(n-1)^{th}$ polynomial, which has a root, and you can continue until $n=1$ (this is called deflating the polynomial).

Said differently, any polynomial can be factored as the product of $n$ binomials. $$x^3-3x^2+2x=(x-0)(x-1)(x-2),$$ $$x^5-3x^4+4x^3-4x^2+3x-1=(x-1)(x-1)(x-1)(x-i)(x+i),$$ $$x^4+8x^3+26x^2+40x+25=(x+2+i)(x+2+i)(x+2-i)(x+2-i).$$

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