[Math] the number of ways of arranging two colours such that no more than $k$ pieces of same colour are together

combinationscombinatoricsdynamic programming

Given that we have $x$ number of $A$'s and $y$ number of $B$'s. How can I find the number of ways of arranging them in a line, such that no more than $k$ pieces of the same colour are adjacent?

Constraints: x,y<=1000

I first thought it could be ${x+y \choose x}-{x+y-k \choose x}$. Based on total combinations – combinations having a group with greater than $k$ pieces of the same color together. Then for the latter part, we can combine $k+1$ pieces of the same color (say $A$) as a single piece, so that the total number of pieces reduces to $(x+y-(k+1)+1) $ and the number of pieces of color A reduces to $x-(k+1)+1$. Now each combination of this scheme will be invalid. Total combinations like these will be ${x+y-k \choose x}$
But we can also inject some color $B$ pieces into the combined $k+1$ pieces of color $A$ and still get invalid combination.
How to add these?
Is there some simpler way of solving the problem?

A recursive solution will also work.
The question appeared on a programming contest.

Best Answer

Since this task comes from programming contest, please update the post by giving the limits on $x$ and $y$.

Let's define a dynamic programming function $F[i][j][0/1]$. Where $F[i][j][0]$ is the number of ways to arrange $i$ A's and $j$ B's, the number $0$ means that the last letter in the arrangement is A. Similarly, $F[i][j][1]$ means the same while the $1$ shows us that the last letter is B.

The base cases would be $F[1][0][0] = 1, F[0][0][0 \text{ or } 1] = 1, F[0][1][1] = 1$.

For the transitions consider adding $d$ letters to the end, make sure that $d < k$ $$F[i][j][0] = F[i-1][j][1] + F[i-2][j][1] + ... + F[i-(k-1)][j][1]\\F[i][j][1] = F[i][j-1][0] + F[i][j-2][0] + ... + F[i][j-(k-1)][0]$$

The result is $F[x][y][0] + F[x][y][1]$. The computational complexity of the algorithm would be $O(x \cdot y \cdot K)$