[Math] The number of traffic accidents on successive days are independent Poisson random variables with mean 2.

poisson distributionprobability

The number of traffic accidents on successive days are independent Poisson random variables with mean 2.

Find the probability that 3 of the next 5 days have two accidents.

Would I treat this the same as if it asked the probability that 6 accidents occur over the next 5 days? And if not, how should I approach this probability?

This is what I have so far: $$ p(x)= \frac{e^{-10} \cdot 10^x}{x!}$$

Best Answer

Whenever you see a problem that says something like "k times out of the next n days" you should probably think that the binomial distribution is going to come in to play.

First let $Y \text{~Poi}(2)$, which is the random variable that represents the number of accidents per day, and let $X \text{~Bin}(5,p)$ where $X$ is the random variable that represents the number of days out of the next 5 days that we have two accidents in one day.

We need to find $p$ for $X$ which is the probability of success. A success is that there is 2 accidents in one day so this must mean that $p = P(Y=2) = \dfrac{e^{-2}\cdot2^2}{2!}$.

Now we want to find $ P(X=3) = {5 \choose 3}p^3(1-p)^2$