[Math] the number of Sylow 2-subgroups of the symmetric group $S_5$


I am trying to find the number of Sylow 2-sbgroups of the symmetric group S5. As $ \lvert S_5 \rvert =120=2^3 \cdot 3 \cdot 5$. It has 2-SSG, 3-SSG, 5-SSG. But how to calculate there numbers? What is the general formula to calculate it.

Best Answer

There are $15$ Sylow-$2$-subgroups of $S_5$. For a proof see here. By Sylow's theorem we have $n_2(S_5)\in \{ 1,3,5,15\}$, and it is easy to show that $n_2(S_5)\ge 6$, so the result follows.