[Math] The number of subsets in a Power Set


If X has $n$ elements then $\mathcal P$(X) has $2^n$ elements. Let X = {x,y,z}. By regularity, x≠{x}, and both x and {x} are subsets because everything is a set in axiomatic set theory. With this in mind, I'm struggling to understand why $\mathcal P$(X)={{},{x},{y},{z},{x,y},{x,z},{y,z},{x,y,z}} and not {{},x,y,z,{x},{y},{z},{x,y},{y,z},{x,z},{x,y,z}} unless we define x,y,z to be urelements. Is $\mathcal P$={{},{x},{y},{z},{x,y},{x,z},{y,z},{x,y,z}} because x, y, z are subsets that contain no elements and are therefore collectively represented by the empty set? Thanks for your time and help

Best Answer

It is true that in set theory we often take the case where there are no urelements, and everything is a set, but that doesn't mean that $x\in y$ implies $x\subseteq y$.

Consider the set $\{\{\{\varnothing\}\}\}$. It's a singleton, despite the fact that its element is a set. So it only has two subsets, $\varnothing$ and itself. So its power set would consist of these two elements. And despite the fact that $\varnothing$ is an element of an element of this set, it is not an element of the the set itself.