[Math] The number of roots for polynomials


Can a $5$-th grade polynomial have only one solution? for example:
$$x^5 – 3x^4 + 17x^3 – 12x^2 – 11x – 5 = 0$$

I mean that it's not necessary for every seventh grade polynomial to have seven solutions. There may be only one or three. The same for a sixth grade polynomial, there may be only two solutions.

If this is true, then how I can decide if a fifth grade polynomial has only one solution or three and not five solutions?

Best Answer

A 5th degree polynomial (with real coefficients) has at least 1 real root. A polynomial of odd degree has at least 1 real root.

The fundamental theorem of algebra says that a polynomial roots equal to its degree. However, they may be complex and they may be roots of multiplicity.

$x^2-1$ has 2 real roots. $x^2+1$ has 2 complex roots. $x^2-2x + 1$ has one root of multiplicity 2.

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