[Math] The number of possible combination of column values


Sorry if this has been asked before, tried to look through older answers but don't get any of the formulas there and don't understand the questions asked either.

I would like to calculate possible combinations for a given set of data:

There is an x amount of columns (let's say 3) each column contains y amount of words (lets say 2), now I would like to calculate total amount of combinations possible.

For example: column 1 contains "one" and "two", column 2 contains "three" and "four", column 3 contains "five" and "six" then all possible combinations are:

["one", "three", "five"], ["one", "three", "six"], ["one", "four", "five"], ["one", "four", "six"], 
["one", "five", "three"], ["one", "five", "four"], ["one", "six", "three"], ["one", "six", "four"], 
["two", "three", "five"], ["two", "three", "six"], ["two", "four", "five"], ["two", "four", "six"],
["two", "five", "three"], ["two", "five", "four"], ["two", "six", "three"], ["two", "six", "four"], 
["three", "one", "five"], ["three", "one", "six"], ["three", "two", "five"], ["three", "two", "six"], 
["three", "five", "one"], ["three", "five", "two"], ["three", "six", "one"], ["three", "six", "two"], 
["four", "one", "five"], ["four", "one", "six"], ["four", "two", "five"], ["four", "two", "six"], 
["four", "five", "one"], ["four", "five", "two"], ["four", "six", "one"], ["four", "six", "two"], 
["five", "one", "three"], ["five", "one", "four"], ["five", "two", "three"], ["five", "two", "four"], 
["five", "three", "one"], ["five", "three", "two"], ["five", "four", "one"], ["five", "four", "two"], 
["six", "one", "three"], ["six", "one", "four"], ["six", "two", "three"], ["six", "two", "four"], 
["six", "three", "one"], ["six", "three", "two"], ["six", "four", "one"], ["six", "four", "two"]

That's 48 if I'm not mistaken. What I'm stuck with is how I can calculate that.

Using only vertical combinations (columns don't switch) I get 2X2X2 is 8 so when switching columns its 6 times more but adding one more column gives me 384 results thats 24 times more (2X2X2X2).

I was programming this in JavaScript and think I got the results right but how would I go about calculating expected results?

I tagged this homework as I have no clue how to tag this.

Best Answer

Assuming all the words are different, then you will have $y^x x!$ different possibilities.

$2^3 3! = 48$, $2^4 4! = 384$.

To see this, first fix the $x$ columns, each of which is selected from $y$ words. This gives $y^x$ possibilities. There are $x!$ possible permutations of the columns, hence you have $y^x x!$ different possibilities.