Combinatorics – Number of Five-Card Hands from a Standard Deck


Can someone explain intuitively why this is 52 C 5? What does it mean that the "order doesn't matter?" If I wanted to pick 5 cards from a 52 card deck, why wouldn't I just do 52!/47! since there are 52 spots for the first card, 51 for the second, 50 for the third, etc.?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Your calculation treats $\heartsuit 3,\spadesuit 4,\clubsuit 5,\diamondsuit 6,\heartsuit 7$ and $\diamondsuit 6,\spadesuit 4,\heartsuit 7,\heartsuit 3\clubsuit 5$, for instance, as different hands, when in fact they’re the same set of five cards: the only difference between them is the order in which they were dealt. Since a given set of $5$ cards can be dealt in $5!$ different orders, you’re counting each hand of $5$ cards $5!$ times. To get rid of this overcounting, you must divide by $5!$. When you do, you get


the number of ways of choosing an unordered set of $5$ cards from a $52$-card deck. Your $\dfrac{52!}{47!}$ is the number of ways to deal $5$ cards: it counts each of the $5!=120$ possible dealing orders of a given hand separately.