[Math] The nullity/rank needed for a matrix to be diagonalizable


A is a 5×5 matrix with rank 3. Which two of the following conditions are required for the matrix to be diagonalizable? (There may be multiple correct answers.)

(I) nullity(A-2I) = 2

(II) nullity(A-3I) = 3

(III) rank(A-2I) = 2

(IV) rank(A-3I) = 3

I believe that nullity is just the number of free variables and rank is just the number of basic variables. I know that a matrix of size n x n needs n linearly independent eigenvectors to be diagonalizable (or n distinct eigenvalues which guarantees n l.i. eigenvectors). I also know that nullity(A-yI) = multiplicity of y for a diagonalizable matrix. I just don't get how to find the multiplicity, or how else to approach the question (if multiplicity is the wrong approach).

Best Answer

You are almost entirely there. There's one simple fact that I think will help tie this together - distinct eigenvalues have distinct eigenspaces. Remember that a vector $\vec{v}$ is in eigenspace $U$ iff is scaled by its corresponding eigenvalue $\lambda_1$ when applying the linear transformation $A$. A given vector cannot be in two eigenspaces (with distinct eigenvectors) at once, since a vector can't be scaled by both $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$, where $\lambda_1 \neq \lambda_2$.

So since we have shown there cannot be any vector $\vec{v}$ that's in both the eigenspace $U$ corresponding to $\lambda_1$ and the eigenspace $V$ corresponding to $\lambda_2$, we know the bases of $U$ and $V$ are necessarily linearly independent.

In this example, the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue $2$ is $2$. This is because $\dim(Null(A-2I)) = 2$. The dimension of the eigenspace with eigenvalue $3$ is $3$. Since we know they're distinct eigenspaces, we have 5 linearly independent eigenvectors.

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