[Math] the meaning/purpose of finding the “foundations of mathematics”


I've read in a lot of places how there was a "foundational crisis" in defining the "foundations of mathematics" in the 20th century. Now, I understand that mathematics was very different then, I suppose the ideas of Church, Godel, and Turing were either in their infancy, or not well-known, but I still hear this kind of language a lot today, and I don't know why.

From my perspective, mathematics is essentially the study of any kind of formal system understandable by an intelligent, yet finite being. By definition then, the only reasonable "foundation for all of mathematics" must be a Turing complete language, and the choice of what specific language is basically arbitrary (except for concerns of elegance). The idea of creating a finite set of axioms that describes "all of mathematics" seems fruitless to me, unless what is being described is a Turing complete system.

Is this idea of finding a foundation for all of "mathematics" still prominent today? I suppose I can understand why this line of reasoning was once prominent, but I don't see why it is relevant today. Is the continuum hypothesis true? Well, do you want it to be?

Best Answer

The question is broad, so I'll just try to address one of the sub-questions. I'll change it a little bit to allow for the possibility of pluralism:

What is the meaning of finding a "foundation of mathematics”?

As an example, I'll try to explain why set theory is a foundation of mathematics, and what it means for it to be one. This isn't intended to exclude other possible foundations, although they tend to be subsumed by set theory in a sense discussed below.

Based on one of the OP's comments above, I'll treat the mention of computability in the question figuratively rather than literally. Roughly speaking, a Turing-complete system of computation is one that can simulate any Turing machine, and so by the Church–Turing thesis, can simulate any other (realistic) system of computation. Therefore a Turing-complete system of computation can be taken as a "foundation" for computation.

As far as this question is concerned, I think that under the appropriate analogy between computation and mathematical logic, the notion of simulation of one computation by another corresponds to the notion of interpretation of one theory in another. By an interpretation of a theory $T_1$ in a theory $T_2$ I mean an effective translation procedure which, given a statement $\varphi_1$ in the language of $T_1$, produces a corresponding statement $\varphi_2$ in the language of $T_2$ such that $\varphi_1$ is a theorem of $T_1$ if and only if $\varphi_2$ is a theorem of $T_2$. So a mathematician working in the theory $T_1$ is essentially (modulo this translation procedure) working in some "part" of the theory $T_2$.

In these terms, a foundation of mathematics could be reasonably described as a (consistent) mathematical theory that can interpret every other (consistent) mathematical theory. However, it follows from the incompleteness theorems that no such "universal" theory can exist. But remarkably, the set theory $\mathsf{ZFC}$ can interpret almost all of "ordinary" (non-set-theoretic) mathematics. For example, if I'm working in analysis and I prove some theorem about continuous functions, then my theorem and its proof can in principle be translated into a theorem of $\mathsf{ZFC}$ and its proof in $\mathsf{ZFC}$. (Under this translation, a continuous function is a set of ordered pairs, which are themselves sets of sets, satisfying a certain set-theoretic property, etc.)

This means that set theory can serve as a foundation for most of mathematics. For set theory itself, no one theory (e.g. $\mathsf{ZFC}$) can serve as a universal foundation. But we can informally define a hierarchy of set theories ($\mathsf{ZFC}$, $\mathsf{ZFC} + {}$"there is an inaccessible cardinal", $\mathsf{ZFC} + {}$"there is a measurable cardinal", etc.) called the large cardinal hierarchy, strictly increasing in interpretability strength, which seems to be practically universal in the sense that every "natural" mathematical theory, set-theoretic or otherwise, can be interpreted in one of these theories. (The reason this doesn't violate the incompleteness theorem is that the large cardinal hierarchy is defined informally in an open-ended way, so we can't just take its union and get a universal theory.)

Your last point about the continuum hypothesis raises an important question: what if the various candidate set theories branch off in many different directions rather than lining up in a neat hierarchy? Well, it turns out so far that the natural theories we consider do line up in the interpretability hierarchy, even if they do not line up in the stronger sense of inclusion. For example, the methods of inner models and of forcing used to prove the independence of $\mathsf{CH}$ from $\mathsf{ZFC}$ also give interpretations of the two candidate extensions $\mathsf{ZFC} + \mathsf{CH}$ and $\mathsf{ZFC} + \neg \mathsf{CH}$ by one other (and by $\mathsf{ZFC}$ itself,) showing that they inhabit the same place in the interpretability hierarchy. If you believe $\mathsf{CH}$ and I believe $\neg\mathsf{CH}$ we can still interpret each others results, rather than dismissing them as meaningless.

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