[Math] the meaning of infinitesimal


I have read that an infinitesimal is very small, it is unthinkably small but I am not quite comfortable with with its applications. My first question is that is an infinitesimal a stationary value? It cannot be a stationary value because if so then a smaller value on real number line exist, so it must be a moving value. Moving value towards $0$ so in most places we use its magnitude equal to zero but at the same time we also know that infinitesimal is not equal so in all those places were we use value of infinitesimal equal to $0$ we are making an infinitesimal error and are not $100\%$ accurate, maybe $99.9999\dots\%$ accurate, but no $100\%$! So please explain infinitesimal and its applications and methodology in context to the above paragraph or elsewise intuitively please.

Best Answer

The real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ is an example of a field, a space where you can add, subtract, multiply and divide elements. In addition, $\mathbb{R}$ is an example of an ordered field, i.e. for any $a, b \in \mathbb{R}$ we have either $a < b$, $a = b$, or $a > b$. Note, there are some further conditions on the interaction between inequalities and the field operations.

A positive infinitesimal in an ordered field is an element $e > 0$ such that $e < \frac{1}{n}$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$. A negative infinitesimal is $e < 0$ such that $-e$ is a positive infinitesimal. An infinitesimal is either a positive infinitesimal, a negative infinitesimal, or zero.

In $\mathbb{R}$ there is only one infinitesimal, zero - this is precisely the Archimedean property of $\mathbb{R}$. So while people use the word infinitesimal to convey intuition, the real numbers don't have any non-zero infinitesimals, so their explanation is flawed.

In the early development of calculus by Newton and Leibniz, the concept of an infinitesimal was used extensively but never defined explicitly. The way this has been rectified through history is via the introduction of limits which still capture the intuition, but are in fact defined perfectly well.

It should be noted that other ordered fields do have non-zero infinitesimals. You might even try to find an ordered field which contains all the real numbers that you know and love, but also has non-zero infinitesimals. Such a thing exists! Abraham Robinson first showed such an ordered field exists in $1960$ using model theory, but it can actually be constructed using something called the ultrapower construction. This is called the field of hyperreal numbers and is denoted ${}^*\mathbb{R}$. With the hyperreals at hand, you can take all the ideas that Newton and Leibniz used and interpret them almost literally. Calculus done in this way is often called non-standard analysis.

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