Logic – Meaning of Implication in Logic


How do I remember Implication Logic $(P \to Q)$ in simple English?

I read some sentence like

  • If $P$ then $Q$.
  • $P$ only if $Q$.
  • $Q$ if $P$.

But I am unable to correlate these sentences with the following logic.

Even though the truth table is very simple, I don't want to remember it without knowing its actual meaning.

$$\begin{array}{ |c | c || c | }
P & Q & P\Rightarrow Q \\ \hline
\text T & \text T & \text T \\
\text T & \text F & \text F \\
\text F & \text T & \text T \\
\text F & \text F & \text T \\ \hline

Best Answer

If you start out with a false premise, then, as far as implication is concerned, you are free to conclude anything. (This corresponds to the fact that, when $P$ is false, the implication $P \rightarrow Q$ is true no matter what $Q$ is.)

If you start out with a true premise, then the implication should be true only when the conclusion is also true. (This corresponds to the fact that, when $P$ is true, the truth of the implication is the same as the truth of $Q$.)