[Math] The meaning of differentiation of $x$ with respect to $y$


The physical meaning of the differentiation of $x$ with respect to $y$ is the rate of change of $x$ with respect to $y$. But, I am finding it difficult in understanding the geometrical interpretation of the expression $\dfrac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}y}$. On a given curve on any given points, what does the expression actually tells us?

I currently know that differentiating the equation of a curve gives the tangent of that curve. But how can we understand that tangent line in terms of $y$ and $x$?

Best Answer

Differentiating $x$ with respect to $y$ gives you the gradient of the tangent at the point $\left(x, y(x)\right)$ on the curve $y(x)$. The gradient of the tangent at the point $\left(x, y(x)\right)$ indicates the rate of change of $y(x)$ at that specific point. Because on a curve, the gradient varies, differentiating is basically taking the limit of the $\dfrac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}$ as $\Delta x \to 0$ and hence finding the gradient or rate of change of a function at a specific point on a curve.