[Math] The maximal ideal in a local ring is finitely generated


Assume $m<R$ is the maximal ideal of a commutative local ring with identity, such that $m=m^2$. Is $m$ finitely generated? Is the condition $m=m^2$ redundant?

I am trying to apply Nakayama's lemma to the maximal ideal $m$, but I can't choose a finite generating system for it.

Best Answer

Let $k$ be a field and $A=k\times k\times ...$ the product of denumerably many many copies of $k$.
Let $I\subset A$ be the ideal of eventually zero sequences and $\mathfrak m\supset I$ a maximal ideal containing it.
Since in $A$ every element $a$ is multiple of $a^2$, we certainly have $\mathfrak m=\mathfrak m^2$ but $\mathfrak m$ is not finitely generated: else it would be generated by an idempotent ( by Nakayama ).

Since the OP has edited his question, requesting an example with a local ring, here is such an example.

Consider the domain $A=\mathbb Q[X^{1/n}|\; n=1,2,\cdots]$ consisting of "polynomials" over a field $k$ with positive rational exponents, and its maximal ideal $M=\langle X^{1/n}|n=1,2,\cdots\rangle\subset A$.
Obviously $M=M^2$.
If we now localize at $M$ we get the required local ring $R=A_M$, with maximal ideal $\mathfrak m=MA_M$.

Indeed, $\mathfrak m=\mathfrak m^2$ is clear and that ideal is not finitely generated: the simplest argument is again that if it were, it would be generated by a single idempotent element (Nakayama).
But this is impossible, because $R$ is a domain and thus has only $1$ and $0$ as idempotents.

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