[Math] The matrix of a projection can never be invertible

inverselinear algebralinear-transformationsmatricesprojection-matrices

I am currently studying linear transformations in order to refresh my knowledge of linear algebra. One statement in my textbook (by David Poole) is:

When considering linear transformations from $\mathbb{R}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}^2$, the matrix of a projection can never be invertible.

I know that a projection matrix satisfies the equation $P^2 = P$. Taking determinant of both sides gives

$$\text{det}(P)^2 = \text{det}(P)$$

which is always true when $P$ is singular. However take $\color{blue} {P = I_2}$, then the equality is true and the projection matrix is invertible. What mistake do I make in my reasoning?

Best Answer

Well, the statement is plainly false when $P=I$. However, the only invertible projection matrix is the identity. To see this, notice that $P^2x=Px$ for all $x$. So if $P$ were invertible, we get $Px=x$ for all $x$, and since the identity is unique, we get $P=I$.