[Math] the logic of priority of operations


For example $2+2\times2$ is $6$ not $8$.

Actually $+$ and $\times$ are binary operations on $\mathbb Z$. but here there is an triple $(2,2,2)$ which we sent to $2+2\times 2$. So we have to put and order for applying operations as binary such that $$a+b\times c \: : \: (a,b,c) \to a+(b\times c)$$ with assuming that $(\cdots)$ has priority more.

My question is why multiplication has priority more than addition? We could also define $$a+b\times c \: : \: (a,b,c) \to (a+b) \times c.$$

Best Answer

Multiplication has higher priority than addition because first of all, multiplication is indeed repeated addition. Take the expression $4 + 3 \times 9$. This is 4 plus 3 groups of 9. So the mutliplication can be dismantled as $4 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 31$. It isn't $7 \times 9 = 63$. When you simplify an expression, you start with the parentheses, which are the highest and the most complex parts and evaluate what's in there and then combine the result to what else is there. Then, the middle parts come, which are exponents, which is repeated multiplication, then multiplication, which is repeated addition; and finally, we add everything up.

Also, this draws to the distributive property. The distributive property states: $$a(b+c) = ab+ac$$ If addition had higher priority, the property would look awkward: $$a \cdot b + c = (ab) + (ac)$$ It is worse with implied multiplication: $$ab+c=(ab)+(ac)$$ With multiplication having higher priority, you don't have to add parentheses. That's why PEMDAS is so useful. Without PEMDAS, $P(x) = ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + f$ would have to be written as $P(x) = (a(x^4)) + (b(x^3)) + (c(x^2)) + (dx) + f$ for us to understand.

In short, multiplication has higher priority because of the distributive law of multiplication over addition as well as it being repeated addition.
