[Math] The logarithm is non-linear! Or isn’t it

linear algebralinear-transformationslogarithmsnotationterminology

The logarithm is non-linear

Almost unexceptionally, I hear people say that the logarithm was a non-linear function. If asked to prove this, they often do something like this:

We have
\ln(x + y) \neq \ln(x) + \ln(y) \quad\text{and}\quad \ln(\lambda \cdot x) = \ln(\lambda) + \ln(x) \neq \lambda \cdot \ln(x),
and therefore $\ln$ is not linear.

And indeed, the literature is abundant with the claim that…

… a function $f : V \to W$ is linear, if and only if
f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) \quad\text{and}\quad f(\lambda \cdot x) = \lambda \cdot f(x)
for all $x,y$ and all scalars $\lambda$.

Often, there is no hint that the symbols $+$ and $\cdot$ on the left belong to $V$, whereas the symbols $+$ and the $\cdot$ on the right belong to $W$.

The logarithm is linear

My proof that the logarithm is a linear function goes like this:

$$\ln(x \cdot y) = \ln(x) + \ln(y) \quad\text{and}\quad \ln(x^\lambda) = \lambda \cdot \ln(x).$$

The rationale for this is that $\ln : \mathbb{R}_{>0} \to \mathbb{R}$, i.e., the logarithm is a function from the $\mathbb{R}$-vector space $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ (the positive-real numbers), to the $\mathbb{R}$-vector space $\mathbb{R}$ (the real numbers). Vector addition in $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ is, however, not usual addition, but multiplication. Likewise, scalar multiplication in $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ is not usual multiplication, but potentiation.

In fact, the linear-algebra definition of linearity is (e.g. Ricardo, 2009; Bowen and Wang, 1976):

A function $f : V \to W$ from a vectors space $(V,\oplus,\odot)$ over a field $F$ to a vector space $(W,\boxplus,\boxdot)$ over $F$ is linear if and only if it satisfies
f(x \oplus y) = f(x) \boxplus f(y) \quad\text{and}\quad f(\lambda \odot x) = \lambda \boxdot f(x)
for all $x,y \in V$ and $\lambda \in F$.

Another proof goes as follows:

The logarithm is an isomorphism between the vector space of positive-real numbers to the vector space of real numbers. And as every isomorphism is a linear function, so is the logarithm.


We have two conflicting statements here:

  1. The logarithm is non-linear.
  2. The logarithm is linear.

Can both statements be correct simultaneously, depending on something I cannot imagine now? But wouldn't this also imply that two conflicting concepts of linearity exist?

Or is this a case of sloppy notation, e.g., abuse of the same symbol $+$ for vector addition or $\cdot$ for scalar multiplication even though two different vector spaces are involved?


The solutions given to rescue the first statement haven't convinced me yet, because they are inconsistent:

  • Using usual addition and multiplication on $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ implies that $(\mathbb{R}_{>0},+,\cdot)$ is not a vector space anymore. But a precondition of the linearity proof is that the domain and the range of $f$ are vector spaces.
  • Allowing the domain of $\ln$ to be $\mathbb{R}$ with usual addition and multiplication instead of $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ doesn't work, because then the image of $\ln$ is the set of complex numbers.
  • A mathematically consistent definition of "linearity" for subsets (but not subspaces) of a vector space was given in a comment by @Alex G. Let $S$ be an arbitrary subset of a real vector space $V$, and let $W$ be a real vector space. A function $f : S \to W$ is called "linear" if for all $x,y \in S$ such that $x+y \in S$, then $f(x+y) = f(x)+f(y)$, and for all $x \in S$, $k \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $kx \in S$, then $f(kx)=k⋅f(x)$. However, this definition is not what is meant by the concept of linearity coming from linear algebra. One would actually need to use another term for "linearity" here.

Best Answer

You are correct if we endow $\Bbb R_{> 0}$ with the strange vector space structure in which "addition" is given by the usual multiplication, and "scalar multiplication" is given by exponentiation. When people say that logarithms are not linear, they are usually thinking of giving $\Bbb R$ the usual vector space structure, and with this being understood, then logarithms really are not linear.

The takeaway here is that the statement "the logarithm is linear" depends on what vector space structure you have in mind. With your strange vector space structure, this is true. With the usual one, this is false.

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