[Math] The lines of curvature are the coordinate cuves

differential-geometryordinary differential equations

In Do Carmo's differential geometry of curves and surfaces, page 160, the differential equation of the asymptotic curves is

and the differential equation of the lines of curvature is(page 161)


There is an exercise related to these equations on page 168(part d and part e):

Consider the parametrized surface
$$x(u,v)=(u-u^3/3+uv^2, v-v^3/3+vu^2, u^2-v^2).$$

Some computations show that
$$E=G=(1+u^2+v^2)^2, F=0$$
$$e=2, g=-2, f=0$$

Part d. The lines of curvature are the coordinate curves.

Part e. The asymptototic curves are $u+v=const$ and $u-v=const$.

My question:

Take d for instance,
when $e=g=0$ and $eg-f^2<0$, we only know $u'v'=0$. Clearly lines of curvature are the coordinate curves satisfy the equations. I wonder why the lines of curvature can only be the coordinate curves and no others?

Specifically, why does $u'(t)v'(t)=0, \forall t$ implies that $$u'(t)=0, \forall t ~~\text{or}~~ v'(t)=0, \forall t?$$
Note: We only know that $\forall t, u'(t)=0$ or $v'(t)=0$.

Best Answer

It's a continuity argument. Note that you cannot have any umbilic points, since $K<0$, and so there's no way to switch continuously from $u$-curve to $v$-curve along a single curve. When there are umbilic points, there are no longer everywhere precisely two distinct principal directions and all bets are off.

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