[Math] The limit of a strongly convergent sequence of linear bounded operators from a Banach space to a normed space


Let $X$ be a Banach space and $Y$ be a normed space.
If the sequence $\{T_n\}$ of bounded linear operators from $X$ into $Y$ is strongly convergent. Then there exists a bounded linear bounded operator $T:x \rightarrow Y$ st

$lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} T_n(x)=T(x)$ $\forall x \in X$

The Proof.

enter image description here

I don't understand how the author deduced that $T$ is bounded.
why did he write $\|Tx-T_nx\| \leq \|T-T_n\| \|x\| <\epsilon$
all that we so far know about the operator $(T-T_n)$ is that it is a linear operator, it is not bounded so we can write this inequality $\|Tx-T_nx\| \leq \|T-T_n\| \|x\| <\epsilon$ furthermore he writes $\|T-T_n\| \|x\| <\epsilon$ but the assumption said $T_n \rightarrow $T$ strongly not uniformly.
I'm confused about this part

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

Me too I don't understand, you cannot want to show that an operator is bounded and in the argument, use the fact that it is bounded. Another argument: $T(x)=lim_nT_n(x)$ implies that $\|T(x)\|=lim_n\|T_n(x)\|\leq \|T_n\|\|x\|\leq k\|x\|$. The $k$ is the $k$ you have defined by using the uniform boundedness principle.