[Math] the inverse of the eigenvector matrix

linear algebra

I see in a lot of resources that state that in order to find the inverse matrix using the eigendecomposition (for example wikipedia) ,
One need to decompose A to it's eigenvectors and eigenvalues,
And than, using the fact that the eigenvalues matrix $\Lambda$ is diagonal, the inverse is straightforward.
But, why no one discussed how to compute the inverse of the eigenvector matrix?
I'm probably missing something trivial, but trying to prove myself that $Q^{-1}=Q^T$, or another way to calculate $Q^{-1}$ didn't succeed.
So, how do we calculate $Q^-1$ in order to find $A$?

Best Answer

We compute the inverse of $Q$ just the same way we compute the inverse of any other matrix. There is nothing peculiar here just because we are working with eigenvectors and eigenvalues.