Inverse Image of Measurable Set Under Measurable Function – Measure Theory

cantor setmeasurable-functionsmeasure-theory

I have a confusion with measurable functions.
I just saw that the statement "The inverse image of a measurable set under a measurable function is measurable" is false with counter-example the function on Cantor set but I know the definition of f measurable is:

Let $f:(X,O_X)\to (Y,O_Y)$ with $O_X$ $\sigma$-algebra of $X$ and $O_Y$ $\sigma$-algebra of $Y$.
$f$ said $(O_X-O_Y)$-measurable function if for all $B\in O_Y\ f^{-1}(B)\in O_X$.

But, What is the difference with
"The inverse image of a measurable set under a measurable function is measurable? "

Best Answer

It depends what $\sigma$ algebra you are considering on the target space.

When everyone talks about measureable functions on $\mathbb R$, they mean that $\mathcal O_Y$ is the the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel sets (generated by open intervals). This means that the preimage of an open interval like $(a,b)$ is measurable, but the preimage of a Lebesgue measurable set may not be measurable.

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