Linear Algebra – Intuitive Meaning of the Adjugate Matrix

abstract-algebradefinitionintuitionlinear algebramatrices

The definition of the adjugate matrix is easy to understand, but I have never seen it used for anything.

  • What is the intuitive meaning of this matrix?

  • Are there examples of applications which may shed light on its conceptual meaning? I would be especially interested to hear examples of usage in representation theory or other abstract algebra disciplines.

Best Answer

You have never seen it used for anything?

The fact that $A\text{adj}(A)=\text{adj}(A)A=\det(A)I$ is the standard one-half of the proof that $A\in\text{GL}_n(R)$ iff $\det(A)\in R^\times$, where $R^\times$ is the group of units of $R$.

The conceptual meaning of the adjugate matrix is somewhat complicated. Really, you can imagine it as being the adjoint of $\bigwedge^{n-1} A$ with respect to a somewhat natural pairing. More information can be found here.