Linear Logic – Intuition Behind the ‘Par’ Operator


I'm $\DeclareMathOperator{\par}{\unicode{8523}}$ trying to wrap my mind around the $\par$ ("par") operator of linear logic.

The other connectives have simple resource interpretations ($A\otimes B$ is "you have both $A$ and $B$", $A\&B$ is "you can have either $A$ or $B$" etc.).

But despite the inference rules being simple, I've seen only mentions that $A\par B$ is "difficult to describe" in a resource interpretation, apart from the special case of $A\multimap B ~\equiv ~ A^\bot \par B$ ("you can convert $A$ to $B$").

Any way I can understand it better?

Best Answer

⅋ also had me baffled for a long time. The intuition I've arrived at is this: You have both an A and a B, but you can't use them together.

Examples of this (considered as entities in a computer program) include:

  • A⊸A (= $A⅋A^⊥$) is a function value; you can't get rid of it by connecting its input to its output.
  • $A⅋A^⊥$ is a communication channel (future): you can put a value into one end and retrieve it from the other. It is forbidden, however, to do both from the same thread (risk of deadlock, leading to ⊥).

(The computer program analogy may not make sense for everybody, of course - but this has been my approach to the topic, and my basis for intuitions.)

You can read the axioms in an up-right-down manner. The axiom for ⅋ introduction,

$$ \frac{ Δ_1,A ⊢ Γ_1 \quad Δ_2,B ⊢ Γ_2 }{ Δ_1,Δ_2, A⅋B \ ⊢ \ Γ_1,Γ_2 } $$

can thus be read as "given a value of type A⅋B, you can divide your remaining resources into two, transform them into new ones, and combine the results." And A⅋B can not be split in any other way - A and B must become separate and cannot take part in the same transformations.

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