[Math] The intersection of a normal subgroup and Sylow $p$-subgroup


Let $G$ be a group and $P\in Syl_p(G)$, $H$ is normal in $G$. I want to show that $P\cap H\in Syl_p(H)$.

So I let $P_0\in Syl_p(H)$. $P\cap H$ is a $p$ subgroup of $H$, so by Sylow 2nd Theorem, $P\cap H \leq P_0$.

And by Sylow's 2nd and 3rd theorem, I get that there exists $g\in G$ such that $P_0 \leq gPg^{-1}$.

I think I want to prove that $P_0 \leq P\cap H$ next in order to conclude that $P_0=P\cap H$ but got stuck at this part.

Best Answer

You're almost there.

So, you have chosen a $P_0\in Syl_p(H)$ such that $P\cap H\le P_0$. Then, we have $P_0\le gPg^{-1}$. Also, $P_0\le H$, so, as $gHg^{-1}=H$, it means $$g^{-1}P_0\,g\le P\cap H\,.$$ Assuming everything is finite, by calculating sizes, we are ready, as $|g^{-1}P_0\,g|=|P_0|$ and both are included in $H$, so $|P\cap H|=|P_0|$ also follows.

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