[Math] the instantaneous rate of change in the real world


I can't grasp this concept of an instantaneous change of rate. How could a point on a function graph have a rate of change in the first place?

In this moment I just know that it is named the derivative and that it is the slope of the tangent line at that point. We can find that slope by finding the limit of closer and closer to the point slopes. I still don't understand what does it really represent.

Best Answer

Consider this example: You get into your car and drive around. The function $f(t)$ tells you how much distance you have covered until time $t$. Now the derivative of this function is your momentaneous velocity.

So, since you only asked for an interpretation, think about this: Did you ever sit in a car wondering how fast you were going 'in that instance'? Of course, technically speaking, the tachometer only gives you some average speed over the last second or so but one still often thinks of it as the speed of the car 'right now'.