Importance of Bézout’s Identity

number theoryprime numbers

I am creating a function which generates a privateKey for RSA. The underlying algorithm for generating a privateKey is the Extended Euclidean algorithm. According to Wikipedia, the output of this algorithm is a "Bézout's identity".

I never heard of Bézout's identity before and wanted to know what it's importance is and what is it used for, but I can't find a clear answer. Googling "What is the importance of Bézout's identity?" yields no relevant results. The closest thing I could find was a discussion on Wikipedia:Talk

The point is that Bézout's identity is an important result which is
used in many areas of mathematics. In particular it is one of the
starting tools (with modular arithmetic) of Diophantine equation

To someone who does not have an extensive mathematical background the above discussion is meaningless. Can someone describe the importance and use-cases for Bézout's identity in layman terms?

Best Answer

Given integers $m,n$ (not both zero), Bezout's identity finds integers $x,y$ that satisfy: $$xm+ny=\gcd(m,n)$$

One important application is if we know $\gcd(m,n)=1$. Then, we can take the above equation modulo $n$ to get $$xm\equiv 1\pmod{n}$$ This is useful, because we have found the multiplicative inverse to $m$, modulo $n$.

We have a constructive (and fast) way to find $x,y$, using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

One reason a multiplicative inverse is useful is: suppose we want to find some integer $z$ satisfying the modular equation $$mz\equiv t\pmod{n}$$ Once we have found $x$, as above, we may multiply both sides by $x$ to get $$z\equiv 1z\equiv (xm)z\equiv xt\pmod{n}$$

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