[Math] The image of a dual transformation is equal to the set of annihilators of the kernel of the original transformation.

duality-theoremslinear algebralinear-transformations

I'm presented with the following question:

Suppose $T:V \to W$ is a linear map and $V$ is finite dimensional. Prove Im $T'$ = (Ker $T$)$^0$.

I have showed that Im $T'$ $\subseteq$ (Ker $T$)$^0$:

Let $f \in$Im $T'$. Then for $v \in $ Ker $T$.

f(v) &= T'(g)(v) \text{ for some } g\in W'\\
and so $f\in$(Ker $T$)$^0$ $\Rightarrow$ Im $T'$ $\subseteq$ (Ker $T$)$^0$

But when it comes to showing Im $T'$ $\supseteq$ (Ker $T$)$^0$, I am not sure how to proceed. I'm quite sure I need to use the finite dimensionality of $V$ somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

Best Answer

One way to do things is by counting dimensions.

In particular, let $r$ be the dimension of the image of $T$, and let $n$ be the dimension of $V$. By the rank-nullity theorem, $\ker T$ has dimension $n - r$. Then, we note that $(\ker T)^0$ must have dimension $r$ (you may have to prove this yourself).

On the other hand, note that $T'$ has the same rank as $T$, which means that $\operatorname{Im}T'$ is $r$-dimensional.

Now, by your work, $\operatorname{Im}T'$ is an $r$-dimensional subspace of $(\ker T)^0$, which is also $r$-dimensional. It follows that $\operatorname{Im}T' = (\ker T)^0$, which was the desired conclusion.

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