[Math] the identity element of a quotient ring


This question follows from this basic theorem:

Let $I$ be an ideal of ring $R$. The map $\phi:R\to R/I$ defined as
$\phi(r)=r+I$ is a ring homomorphism of $R$ onto $R/I$ with kernel

I've tried to prove the last part of the theorem, but stumbled in understanding the basic thing on the identity element of $R/I$.

I suspect that, since the definition of multiplication of two cosets in $R/I$ defined as

then the identity element should be $1+I$?

But, when trying to prove that last part of the theorem I got:

$\ker{\phi}=\{x\in R:\phi(x)=1+I\}$, can I claim from here that $\ker{\phi}=I$?

Thank you.

Best Answer

There are two identity elements at play: the additive identity $0_{R/I} = 0+ I = I$ and the multiplicative identity $1_{R/I} = 1+I$. The kernel of $\phi$ is the set of elements of $R$ that map to the additive identity. Therefore it is precisely $I$.

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