[Math] the idea behind the new/old form theory of modular forms


I am interested in the theory of modular forms, since they have nice transformation laws and a connection to arithmetic using the Euler product which one can form using the theory of Hecke operators.

The vector space of modular forms with respect $\Gamma_0(N)$ can be decompose to so called a new and old forms.
My question:

  1. what is the idea behind this decomposition and why it is useful?
  2. why they called "new" and "old"?


Best Answer

If $M$ divides $N$, and $d$ divides $N/M$, then for any modular form $f(\tau)$ on $\Gamma_0(M)$, the function $f(d\tau)$ is a modular form on $\Gamma_0(N)$.

Let's write $V_N$ for the vector space of cuspforms on $\Gamma_0(N)$ (of some fixed weight). Then the above map, i.e. $f(\tau) \mapsto f(d\tau)$, gives an embedding of $V_M$ into $V_N$; write $V_{M,d}$ its image.

Then the space of old forms in $V$ is the subspace of $V$ obtained by taking the sum over all proper divisors $M$ of $N$ and all possible corresponding choices of $d$ of the subspaces $V_{M,d}$. We use the word old for them because these forms, while they have level $N$, actually come from a smaller level (namely $M$), and so are "old" from the point of view of the level $N$. The space of new forms is the orthogonal complement in $V$ of the space of old forms; elements of $V$ are genuinely new to level $N$, hence their name.

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