[Math] The greatest common divisor of two positive integers less than 100 is equal to 3. Their least common multiple is twelve times one of the integers.


The greatest common divisor of two positive integers less than 100 is equal to 3. Their least common multiple is twelve times one of the integers. What is the largest possible sum of the two integers?

This problem has defeated me. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Call the two numbers $x$ and $y$ and note that $\gcd(x,y)×\operatorname{lcm}(x,y)=xy$. Substituting what we know we find $$3×12x=xy$$ $$y=36=3×12$$ Then $x$ is the largest number less than 100, divisible by 3 and whose quotient after division by 3 is coprime with 12. 99 and 96 don't work because their quotients (33 and 32) are not coprime with 12, but 93 works. The largest possible sum is thus $93+36=129$.