[Math] The genus of an algebraic curve is invariant under isomorphisms


I would like to know how to prove (or even better to see a full proof) of the following "fact".

Let $C_1$ and $C_2$ be two smooth curves and let $\phi : C_1 \rightarrow C_2$ be an isomorphism. Then
\text{genus}(C_1) = \text{genus}(C_2)

I am not completely sure this is true since I haven't seen this result explicitly stated, but I Imagine it has to be true.

The motivation for this comes from an exercise from Silverman's book The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. I was doing the following exercise and I found that I needed the above mentioned fact in order for my argument for $(i) \implies (ii)$ to work.

2.5 Let $C$ be a smooth curve. Prove that the following are equivalent (over $\bar{K}$):

(i) $C$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{P}^1$.

(ii) $C$ has genus $0$.

(iii) There exist distinct points $P, Q \in C$ satisfying $(P) \sim (Q)$

I've thought about it but unfortunately I don't really see how to easily relate the dimensions of the Riemann Roch spaces associated to each curve.

I would really appreciate some help with this.

Thank you.

Best Answer

The notation $\text{genus}(C_1)$ doesn't even make sense unless you know that the genus is invariant under isomorphism; if it isn't, the genus must depend on information other than $C_1$ which you haven't provided.

In any case, the definition of genus you are given implies that it is unique, and since the various dimensions $\ell(D)$ are defined independently of any choices they are automatically invariant under isomorphism, so the definition you have been given already comes with a guarantee that $g$ is invariant under isomorphism. But if you want a "proof" anyway, then setting $D = 0$ gives $\ell(K_C) = g$, so it suffices to show that the canonical divisor is invariant under isomorphism (that's why it's called the canonical divisor!).

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