[Math] The fundamental group of some space


I have been solving some past exam questions and I came across the following question.
Let $X=R^3-${(x-axis)U (y-axis)} be the complement of the x and y-axes in $R^3$. Compute the fundamental group of $X$. I am not really sure how to go about this. My guess is that if I could find a retract of this space whose fundamental group is known then the question is solved. I am also wondering if the Seifert-van Kampen theorem would work but I have no clue. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Best Answer

You can show that $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ minus a coordinate cross deformation retracts onto the 2-sphere minus four points. I would try and do this as follows: For any point in your space, put a line through the given point and the origin then do a straight line homotopy. Now pick one of the removed points on the 2-sphere as a pole and stereographically project onto $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ with three points removed. The fundamental group of this space is the same as a wedge of three circles: The free group on three generators.