[Math] the formula to calculate Profit Percentage


Let cost price of an item be $C$, selling price be $S$. Assume the seller makes a profit.

Then profit would be: $P = S – C$.

Now, what is the formula for calculating Profit Percentage?

  1. $P \% = \dfrac{P}{C} \times 100$
  2. $P\% = \dfrac{P}{S} \times 100$

Which one is right and why?

Best Answer

They are both right.

The first expresses the profit as a percentage of the cost price. This is the profit mark-up.

The second expresses the profit as a percentage of the sales price. This is the profit margin.

Percentage profit on its own doesn't mean anything unless you are talking mark-up or margin. By convention, in a module I teach, percentage profit means profit mark-up.

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