[Math] The formula for 3D rotation of the perspective of an image in 2D space


Do you know what the formula is for the 3D rotation of the perspective of a 3D object in a 2D space. For example, imagine that we got a picture of a 3D object. So, we have the projected picture of that 3D object in a 2D space. Next time, we rotate the 3D object by z-axis and got another projected picture in 2D space. What will be the formula of the transformation of each point in the second 2D projected picture with respect to the first one in a 2D space.
Actually, two 2D projected pictures of the 3D rotated object are being compared.

Best Answer

This is indeed undefined when you are missing the depth information.

If the rotation axis is fixed, all points are moving on ellipses of various extents, as seen on these cylinders, so the new positions aren't completely undefined.

enter image description here

If you have two pictures of the same object, stereoscopy allows you to reconstruct the 3D model.