[Math] the fastest (most reliable) way to calculate the Frenet frame, curvature and torsion, given r(t)


Vector calculus, just learned about the Frenet frame and curvature and torsion. Naturally, we have to calculate a lot of these on homework and exams. However, the formulas that we are given for getting curvature, torsion, frame are computationally intensive and usually requires a whole bunch of different calculations (differentiate twice, take a cross product and two absolute values just for $\kappa$ and $\tau$). Being unreliable as a biological computer, I am fairly error prone. It feels like there should be easier and more direct ways of getting these formulae. We have:

$\mathrm T=\frac{\mathrm r^\prime}{|r^\prime|}$, $\mathrm B=\frac{\mathrm{r'(\mathit t)\times r''(\mathit t)}}{|\mathrm{r'(\mathit t)\times r''(\mathit t)}|}$, $\mathrm{N=B\times T}$, $\kappa =\frac{|\mathrm{r'(\mathit t)\times r''(\mathit t)}|}{\mathrm |r'(t)|^3}$, $\tau=\frac{(\mathrm{r'(\mathit t)\times r''(\mathit t)})\cdot \mathrm r'''(t)}{|\mathrm{r'(\mathit t)\times r''(\mathit t)}|^2}$
and the Frenet-Serret formulas.

I am not sure what strategy I should go for – calculate the unit tangent, differentiate a whole bunch, and take absolute values (go straight for Frennet-Serret) or should I try the given formulas since I have a function with respect to t and not arc length? Is there some other better faster way to do this?

Best Answer

The sequence you suggest is pretty minimal. I tell students to avoid finding $\mathbf{N}$ by finding $\mathbf{T}^\prime/|\mathbf{T}^\prime|$ since this computation can be rather involved. Using $\mathbf N=\mathbf B\times \mathbf T$ is usually cleaner.