[Math] The fastest algorithm for asymmetric travelling salesman problem (TSP)

algorithmscombinatoricsproblem solving

What is the fastest algorithm for asymmetric TSP?
Maybe someone knows the fastest solution according to computer calculations. For example, WinQSB calculates 60 cities in 2-3 seconds on Intel Core 2, 2 GHz 2 Gb memory. At this moment I am reviewing Branch and Bound. My goal is the fastest calculation of the optimal (the shortest) path between $n$ points (I have distances between points; the distance from A to B does not equal the distance from B to A, so it's an asymmetric TSP).

Thank you for any help.

Best Answer

I did a project on TSP many years ago where I compared four different algorithms' performance over numerous datasets (in Java).

The algorithms I used were:

- Ordinary Hill Climber (HC)
- Random Restart Hill Climber (RRHC)
- Random Mutation Hill Climber (RMHC)
- Simulated Annealing (SA)

My results showed that RMHC performed better than both RRHC and HC; however, SA performed the best overall, providing slightly more precise results than the other three.

All of my tests were run over 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 iterations and each and every time SA came out on top.

I hope this helps.