Real Analysis – Equivalence Between Cauchy and Riemann Integrals for Bounded Functions

definite integralsintegrationreal-analysis


Suppose $P\colon a=x_0<x_1<\dotsb<x_n=b$ is a partition of $[a,b]$. Let $\Delta x_k=x_k-x_{k-1}$ and $\lVert P\rVert$ denotes $\max_{0<k\le n}\Delta x_k$.

The Cauchy integral of a function $f$ on closed interval $[a,b]$ equals to $I$ if and only if for each $\epsilon>0$, there's some $\delta>0$, for each partition $P$ of $[a,b]$ such that $\lVert P\rVert<\delta$, we have $\left\lvert\sum_{k=1}^nf(x_k)\Delta x_k-I\right\rvert<\epsilon$.


If $f$ is bounded on $[a,b]$ whose Cauchy integral equals to $I$, then $f$ is Riemann-integrable and $\int_a^bf=I$.


It's an exercise from our calculus(analysis) problemset book, and there's a hint: consider the partitions whose $x_k-x_{k-1}$ is a constant for different $k$'s, and try to estimate the Riemann sum for each of these partitions through the Cauchy integral.

I have no idea about such estimation. After drawing some pictures, I discouraged. I googled on the Internet and found an article. I realized that it's a quite different approach and with some advanced techniques (such as the analysis of a positive measure set — discontinuities). I hope there will be some simpler approachers, just as the hint says. I need a more detailed hint, or a solution. Can anybody help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

D.C.Gillespie proved the theorem in 1915 (Annals of Mathematics, Vol.17) and what a proof !
To propose the proof as an exercise in a calculus book seems rather strange ...

However see exercise 2.1.19 in Bressoud's A Radical Approach to Lebesgue's Theory of Integration. There is a hint on page 300. Can it help ?

See also theorem 1 in Kristensen, Poulsen, Reich A characterization of Riemann-Integrability, The American Mathematical Monthly, vol.69, No.6, pp. 498-505.

But the story is the same !