[Math] the equation for the average path length in a random graph

graph theoryNetworkrandom-graphs

If we have random network/graph having a number of vertices $N_v$ and there number of edges $N_e$, how do we calculate the average path length between two random vertices?

Best Answer

This paper 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.056110 calculates analytically the characteristic length (= Average shortest path) $l_{ER}$ of an Erdös-Renyi Random Network with $N$ vertices and $ \langle k \rangle $ average degree (#edges $ m= \frac{N \langle k \rangle}{2}$).

$$ l_{ER} = \frac{\ln{N} - \gamma}{\ln{\langle k \rangle}} + \frac{1}{2}, $$ or, equally $$ l_{ER} = \frac{\ln{N} - \gamma}{\ln(\frac{2m}{N})} + \frac{1}{2}, $$ where $\gamma \approx 0.57722$ is Euler's Constant.

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