[Math] The elevator starts with seven passengers and stops at ten floors


The elevator starts with seven passengers and stops at ten floors. The various arrangements of discharge may be denoted by symbols like $(3,2,2)$, to be interpreted as the event that three passengers leave together at a certain floor. two other passengers at another floor, and the last two at still another floor. Find the probabilities of the fifteen possible arrangements ranging from $(7)$ to $(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)$.

The answer, for example for $P(5,2)= \frac{10!} {8!*1!*1!} *\frac{7!} {5!*2!}*10^{-7}$

Please, can you explain the first term. I mean why $10$ floors are divided into groups with $8, 1$ and $1$ floors. Why not $9,1$ or anything else?

Best Answer

It's because the $(5,2)$ discharge means that all passengers get off on one of two floors. So, that could be $5$ in floor $1$, and $2$ on floor $2$, or $5$ on floor $1$ and $2$ on floor $3$, or $5$ on floor $2$, and $2$ on floor $1$ ... etc.

There are $\frac{10!} {8!*1!*1!}$ ways to pick those two floors: $8$ floors where no one gets off, $1$ floor where $5$ people get off, and $1$ floor where $2$ people get off.