[Math] the effect on a Fourier transform of multiplying in the time domain by a constant

fourier analysis

The Hilbert transform is given by the following:
\mathscr H[a(t)] =\frac 1π \times a(t) *\frac 1t
Now, I'm trying to do envelope detection on an audio signal and I'm hoping you math folks can help me out on the conceptual level. It has been ages since I took any sort of signal processing class, which was the only place I saw convolution discussed. I'm aware that convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain.

So if I have a Fourier transform of $a(t) = A(t)$ and I know that the transform of $\frac 1t = j \sqrt \frac π2 \times \mathrm {sgn}(f)$, then I'm pretty close to knowing the Hilbert transform. The problem is that I don't remember, and cannot get Google to reveal to me the secret of how a constant times a signal in the time domain affects the Fourier transform in the frequency domain. In other words, if $\Bbb F[a(t)] = A(t)$, what effect does multiplying by a constant, in this case $\frac 1π$, have on the Fourier transform? Google told me $\Bbb F[c\times a(t)]$ where c is some constant but that doesn't really help me in my haven't-taken-a-math-course-in-four-years mind.

TL;DR: How does multiplying by a constant in the time domain affect the Fourier transform (in the frequency domain)?

Best Answer

The fourier transform is linear. This implies that if you multiply by a constant in the time domain, you multiply by the same constant in the frequency domain.

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