Prime Numbers – What is the Distribution of Primes Modulo n?

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmeticprime numbers

Let $n\geq 2$ and let $k$ be "considerably larger" than $n$ (like some large multiple of $n$). Then for each $i$ such that $0<i<n$ and $\gcd(i,n)=1$ let's define
$$c_i=\left|\{p_j\;|\; p_j\equiv i \mod n,\;\mbox{where $p_j$ is the $j$-th prime, $1\leq j\leq k$}\}\right|$$
so $c_i$ represents how many of the first $k$ primes are congruent to $i$ modulo $n$.

What can we say about $c_i$s, that is about the distribution of the first $k$ primes modulo $n$?

I thought the distribution will be seemingly random, and that is mostly true – for example $c_i$s are always very close together. But there are observable non-random patterns. For example for $n=3$, for various $k$s I've tried (up to $10^6$) I always got $c_2>c_1$. If this were just some kind of random discrepancy due to distribution of small primes, it would eventually vanish for large $k$s, which I don't observe.

Best Answer

Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progression tells us that the proportion of primes will be the same, for values of $i$ that are coprime to $n$ (and 0 otherwise).

However, Chebyshev's bias tells us that numerically there are more primes with a quadratic non-residue, than a residue, when you're counting primes up to $N$.

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