[Math] The difference of two consecutive perfect squares is always odd

discrete mathematicsdivisibilityelementary-number-theory

I am working on another homework assignment about proofs. The question is:

Prove or find counterexample: the difference of two consecutive perfect squares is odd?

There is no counterexample correct? I am thinking this is always true. If I were to do 7^2-6^2 the answer is odd. I am unsure of how to start the proof though. I am new to proofs and not sure what to really do

Best Answer

Since you're new to proofs, I'll sketch out the main idea of the proof and let you fill in the details. A good first step is to write down some variables, and state clearly what your claim is:

You want to prove that any consecutive perfect squares have odd difference; let $n^2$ be the first one, so that $(n + 1)^2$ is the larger one (make sure you can convince yourself that these really do represent consecutive squares). Now compute

$$(n + 1)^2 - n^2$$

and see what you conclude about it.

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