[Math] the difference between these empty set questions

discrete mathematics

a) Ø ⊂ Ø False

b) Ø ⊂ {Ø} True

c)Ø ⊆ Ø True

d)Ø ⊆ {Ø} True

I am particularly confused with the difference of having {} and not having the braces because it seems that the braces make "b" true but without them "a" is false..Also what's the difference between "c" and "d"?

To be specific "a" is false because empty sets have no elements, but shouldn't "b" also be false since how can it be a proper subset if the only thing in the braces is the empty set, which makes it equal doesn't it?

Update: is b) true because {Ø} also contains an empty set making it {Ø, Ø}…?

Best Answer

If A is a subset of B this means all elements of A are elements of B. If A is a proper subset of B this means that all elements of A are elements of B but there is at least 1 elements of B which is not an elements of A.

In the notation you are using a subset is shown by ⊆ and a proper subset by ⊂.

If you check how these definitions apply to your questions

Every element of $\emptyset$ is an element of $ \emptyset$ because there are none - there is no element of $\emptyset $ which is not an element of $\emptyset$. This shows that (a) is false while (c) is true.

The empty set is in fact a subset of every set (not necessarily a proper subset) - there is no element in the empty set which is not in another set whatever the other set. So (b) is true. (d) is also true because the set {$\emptyset$} contains an element, $\emptyset$, whereas $\emptyset $ contains no elements.

Take note of previous comments on notation: it is more usual to notate a subset as $\subset$ and a proper subset as $\subsetneqq$.