PDE Theory – Difference Between Classical and Smooth Solutions

partial differential equationsterminology

What is the difference between the terms "classical solutions" and "smooth solutions" in the PDE theory? Especially,the difference for the evolution equations? If a solution is in $C^k(0,T;H^m(\Omega))$,can I call it smooth solution?

Best Answer

A smooth solution is infinitely differentiable. A classical solution is a solution which is differentiable as many times as needed if you want to plug the function into the PDE (for example, if the PDE contains the term $u_{xxxx}$, then the fourth derivate $u_{xxxx}$ must exist in order for $u$ to be a classical solution).

In particular, every smooth solution is a solution in the classical sense. But for the unidirectional wave equation $u_x + u_t = 0$, any function of the form $u(x,t)=f(x-t)$ where $f$ is only (say) twice differentiable, is a classical solution which is not smooth.

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