[Math] The difference between the radii of the largest and smallest circles having centres on the circumference of $x^2+2x+y^2+4y=4$

analytic geometry

The figure has the smallest circle on the left and the largest circle around the circle in the middle, which is our given circle$Owing to restriction of 150 characters in the title section I include the latter part of the problem here below in bold and italics

Also given that both the circles(largest and smallest) pass through a point $(a,b)$ lying outside the given circle, $x^2+2x+y^2+4y=4$

My attempt:


$\implies\space (x+1)^2+(y+2)^2=(3)^2$

I have drawn a circle with center $(-1,-2)$

& Also the largest circle with a center at the circumference of $x^2+2x+y^2+4y=4$ is the circle with $radius=6$

Also this circle passes through $(a,b)$

Now the smallest circle with center on the circumference of $x^2+2x+y^2+4y=4$ and passing through $(a,b)$, let us assume, has its center $(\alpha,\beta)$ and radius $=r$.

Thus $(\alpha-a)^2+(\beta-b)^2=r^2\cdot\cdot\cdot(1)$

Again if the largest circle has radius $R=6$

Then it has its center(by observation) at $(2,-2)$

Thus Equation of the largest circle is $(x-2)^2+(y+2)^2=36$

Again this largest circle passes through $(a,b)$

$\therefore$ $(a-2)^2+(b+2)^2=36 \cdot\cdot\cdot(2)$

I am stuck here. Please throw some light.

Best Answer

Draw the line passing through $(a,b)$ and the centre of the circle, meeting the circle at $P$ and $Q$. $P$ and $Q$ are the nearest and the farthest points on the circle from $(a,b)$. So they are the centres of the smallest and the largest circles. If $d$ is the distance between $(a,b)$ and the centre of the given circle. Then the radii of the smallest and the largest circles are respectively $d-3$ and $d+3$. So their difference is $6$.

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