[Math] the difference between an axiom and a definition


Now I know that this question has been asked before here, but the reason I'm asking this again is because the example given in the question there, namely one of Peano's Axioms is very clearly an axiom to me, given that Peano's Axioms propose the existence of a certain set with certain properties, while I find I still do not see the difference in other examples.

Sometimes I feel the word axiom is used where the word definition should be used instead. The most glaring example coming to me right now are the field axioms. The field axioms do not give us a statement that we assume to be true. They do not propose the existence of anything or determine something to be universally true. They just give us a definition for a certain type of set, and say that if a set fulfills these properties, then we can call it a field. Isn't this exactly what a definition is?

I shall compare this to an example from linear algebra. If $A$ is a square matrix and $A^TA=I$, then $A$ is an orthogonal matrix. We do not say that this is the orthogonal matrix axiom, but rather call it a definition for the orthogonal matrix. In the same way, why do we not call the field axioms field definitions instead?

Best Answer

In my opinion, it is a matter of perspective.

If we work with fields as objects within mathematics (say, within the theory of ZFC), then the field axioms are basically definitions that decide which objects in our universe are fields, and which ones aren't.

On the other hand, if we view fields as models for a certain theory, then the field axioms describe the properties such a model has to satisfy. In this case I would argue that calling those properties axioms is more appropriate.

If I construct some object in a more powerful theory, and show that it satisfies the axioms, I could argue that the object is something that satisfies some definitions. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of the object itself, it is some structure that satisfies the axioms, it does not "know" that it is constructed as part of a larger, more powerful theory.

Similarly, the Peano Axioms could be taken as axioms that tell us which properties arithmetics has, but on the other side, we could see it as a collection of properties that together define a class of objects that behave arithmetical. For example, we could show that the natural numbers are such an object, and thus satisfy the definition of a "Peano object"

It is even quite natural within set theory to switch between these viewpoints. For example, you commonly encounter countable models of ZFC, which are just sets inside the universe and thus an object defined by the axioms of ZFC (although we could not prove its existence within ZFC, but that's another story).

On the other hand, such sets are models of ZFC, so from the perspective of the model itself, it looks as if you have a complete universe. Then the axioms of ZFC are actual axioms, telling you which statements are true, constructions are allowed to be made, etc.