Cross Product of Two Sets – Explanation


Just reading about the cross product. It says here:
$$A\times B= \{(x,y)|x\in A, y\in B\}$$
Does this mean that the result of $A\times B$ is a new set of ordered pairs? If so, what happens if both A and B share a common member? What would the result be, since an ordered pair cannot include duplicates?

Edit: Quoting the free textbook I'm looking at online,

If we are given that A is a set and no other information about A, then there is no
ordering to the elements of A. Thus, we cannot speak of “the second element of the set A”
unless we have specified an ordering of the elements of A. If we wish to regard A as ordered in some way, then we specify this fact explicitly: “The elements of A are ordered a, b, c,” or “A = (a, b, c).” The latter notation replaces the braces with parentheses and designates that A is ordered, left to right, as indicated. We call this an ordered set. An ordered set is also called a linear order. Various other names are also used: list, vector, string, word — all with no repeated elements. Of course, you’ve seen repeated elements in vectors, for example the point in the plane at the coordinates (1,1). That’s fine, it’s just not an ordered set.

Why is it okay to specify a set S = {a, b, c, a} where the element a has been repeated,
but it is not okay to have repeated elements in an ordering of S? When we say S =
{a, b, c, a}, we know that S contains just the three elements a, b and c. If we were to talk
about the ordered set (a, b, c, a) it would not make sense because it would say that the
element a is in two places at once: the first position and the last position.

Best Answer

Yes, $A\times B$ is the (new) set of all ordered pairs $(x,y)$ with $x\in A$ and $y\in B$. There will be no problem if $A$ and $B$ share common elements since an ordered pair is precisely such that it can contain duplicates (an unordered pair, i.e. a set $\{a,b\}$ can not). So, for example, $A\times A$ is just the set of all ordered pairs of elements of $A$. For example, $\{1,2\}\times\{1,2\}=\{(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)\}$.

EDIT: Ordered means that the order of the elements matters, that is, $(1,2)\ne(2,1)$ whereas $\{1,2\}=\{2,1\}$.

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