[Math] the correct symbol for “equal-rounded”


What is the correct symbol for saying "equals, but is rounded"? For example:


Is not essentially correct, since it's rounded. What other equal-like symbol should I use?

Best Answer

Answer from comments:

  • Usually one writes $\dfrac 1 {17} \approx 0.0588.$

  • One can write $\dfrac 1 {17} = 0.0588\ldots,$ meaning there are further digits after the $8.$
    I would use the notation $\text{“ } =0.0588\ldots \text{ ''}$ only if that last explicit digit is $8$ and not if it's rounded upward to $8,$ whereas I would use $\text{“ } \approx 0.0588 \text{ ''}$ if it's rounded either upward or downward. (But in this case this is not an issue since $1/17 = 0.0588235\ldots$)