[Math] The complex conjugate of a complex function.

complex numbers

Hi I'm trying to work out the complex conjugate of:
Generally when I have tried to work out a complex conjugate of a complex number I just replace $i$ with $-i$. However I didn't know if it would work this time due to this being a complex function of two variables ($x$ and$ t$ who are real). When I do this and multiply the complex conjugate with the complex function I get a purely real answer which makes me think I'm right but like I said I've never done it like this before.

Also if this is right then is this what I can do with every complex function (replace $i$ with $-i$)

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

For simplicity, I assume that $A = a = 1$. In general, for real $t$, $$ \overline{e^{it}} = \overline{\cos t + i\sin t} = \cos t - i\sin t = \cos(-t) + i\sin(-t) = e^{-it}. $$ Hence, for your expression you get $$ \overline{e^{mx+it}} = \overline{e^{mx}e^{it}} = e^{mx}e^{-it} = e^{mx-it}. $$ Hope this helps for understanding. If something is unclear, do not hesitate to ask in the comments.

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